The Tiny Seed

FOR THE WEEKEND, share this title with your child. We are celebrating changes!
The Tiny Seed is appropriate for children of all ages.
Image result for the tiny seed by eric carle
The Tiny Seed from Eric Carle is the perfect book to explore the changes that can come with the new seasons. Enjoy the journey of a tiny seed as it travels from autumn to summer. The trip is not always easy and safe, and not all of the seeds will make it. But through it all the tiny seed takes root and becomes a giant flower. From tiny seed to giant flower, from blowing wind to snow to sun, read along and discover the changes of the seasons.

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Take a Picture Walk:
Before you read The Tiny Seed flip through the pages with your child. Ask them to tell you the story based on the pictures on the pages. What do they see, what setting are the pictures taking place, do they notice and changes between the pages? Once you read through, see if their story based on their picture walk coincides with the story Eric Carle wrote.

Do this with your child:
The Tiny Seed is illustrated with Eric Carle’s classic collage style. Collage takes different print materials and transforms them into something else. Make a collage with your child. You can use pages from magazines, wrapping paper, newspaper, old paintings and drawings that your child made previously. Use pieces of these to create a new picture.

If you’re interested in sharing The Tiny Seed with your child you can find it from Aladdin Paperbacks, an imprint of Simon & Schuster here. You can like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for more inspiration.

Click here to learn more about Raising a Reader and the work we do to promote early literacy and family engagement. 
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