Something Special for Me

FOR THE WEEKEND, share this fun title with your child! 

Something Special for Me is appropriate for children of all ages.

Something Special for Me from author Vera B. Williams is a thoughtful story about Rosa’s birthday gift. Rosa and her family have a special jar that is half full of coins. Everyone in her family puts their extra tips and loose change into the jar. As Rosa’s birthday is approaching Mama and Grandma decide that Rosa can take the coins to the bank and use the money to pick out the perfect birthday gift. But deciding what to spend that hard earned money on proves to be quite the difficult decision. Will Rosa ever find a gift that is just right?

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Sequencing:
Something Special for Me is a terrific book for practicing sequencing, putting the events of the story in the Order that they happen. To help deepen your child’s engagement in the story ask them questions as you read. After you have finished sharing the story, ask your child to tell you in what order did the events occur. Did she go to the bank or get ice cream first? What store did she go to after trying on the roller blades?

Do this with your child:
After reading Something Special for Me talk with your child about why they think it took Rosa so many different tries to find the perfect gift for herself. Do they think that Rosa was just being picky, or was she being thoughtful about what she chose? Then ask if they would like to start saving their coins to buy something special for themselves! You can use a jar like Rosa or find a special piggy bank where they can keep their coins.

If you’re interested in sharing Something Special for Me with your child you can find it from Greenwillow Books, an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers here. Please like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

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