Rufus Goes to School


FOR THE WEEKEND share this title with your child.

Rufus Goes to School is appropriate for children of all ages.


Rufus Goes to School is a truly wonderful tale of Rufus Leeroy Williams III, a little pig who longs to go to school. Rufus is ready, he has his backpack and his favorite book, but the principal tells him “no pigs in school!” The next day Rufus tries again, this time he adds a lunch box to his collection of school goodies, but still the principal says no. A determined Rufus tries yet again, adding a blanket for naptime to his school supplies only to be met with another no from the principal. But when Rufus confesses his desire to learn to read, the principal understands. Kim T. Griswell delightful text pairs perfectly with Valeri Gorbachev’s precious illustrations in this fun and charming back to school book.

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Take a Picture Walk:

Before you read Rufus Goes to School flip through the pages with your reader. Have them tell you what they’re seeing on each page, who are the characters, where are they, what are they doing. For older readers, take this a step further and ask what they think is happening, can they tell if a character is happy or sad, etc. Then as you read together, see if their thoughts and predictions they had during the picture walk were correct.

Do this with your child:

After you read Rufus Goes to School talk with your reader about being ready for school. What supplies do they have? Are they excited, eager, or nervous about the new school year? Then draw a picture together of their favorite part of the story.

If you’re interested in sharing Rufus Goes to School with your child you can find it from Sterling Publishing here.

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