On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein

FOR THE WEEKEND, share this STEM title with your child. 
On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein is appropriate for children of all ages.


Author Jennifer Berne tells the true story of the ever curious Albert Einstein’s life in On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein. Your reader will learn about Albert from childhood and beyond as he questioned everything around him, and created ideas and thoughts to explain all of life’s mysteries. Albert thought from the smallest scale, exploring atoms that make everything up, to the largest scale, researching the size and shape if the entire universe. If your reader is a curious kid, they will delight in learning about Albert Einstein, the genius.

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Take A Picture Walk:
On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein is a wonderful book to take a picture walk before reading. Flip through the pages with your reader and ask what they see on each page. You’ll find a baby growing from a tiny newborn into a white haired gentleman. As you go through the pages, ask your child what is happening around the baby, the boy and the man. Then when you read the story relate what your reader noticed in your picture walk to the story.

Do this with your child:

After you read On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein check out some kid friendly science experiments to spark your reader’s curiosity from Architecture and Design here.


If you’re interested in sharing On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein with your child you can find it from Chronicle Books here. Please like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter & Instagram for more inspiration.

Click here to learn more about Raising a Reader and the work we do to promote early literacy and family engagement. 
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