A Rainbow of Friends

FOR THE WEEKEND, share this title with your child. This month we are celebrating differences!
A Rainbow of Friends is appropriate for children of all ages.
A Rainbow of Friends from author P.K. Hallinan celebrates the differences that make all people special. Friends come in all colors and sizes. They may be funny or serious, athletes or stars, shy or outgoing. But no matter our differences we can work together and be kind kind to each other. This book is wonderful reminder to celebrate our differences together!

Practice this Comprehension Strategy-Make Connections:
After you read A Rainbow of Friends take the time to talk with your child about their own friends. Is everybody exactly the same? Do they have friends, like the ones on the book, with different talents, different abilities, different clothes? When a reader is able to engage with a story in a personal way they will be more invested in the text and the entire book sharing experience.

Do this with your child:

After you read A Rainbow of Friends have you child draw apicture of their friends all together. Ask them to include something about each friend that makes them different and special. When they’re done, you can make copies of the picture for your child to share with their friends!


If you’re interested in sharing A Rainbow of Friends with your child you can find it from GuidepostBooks here

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